
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

When Grammar Gets Gooder

Just as heads up: this is not meant to be disparaging; I just find this rather humorous.

You know those disposable bamboo chopsticks you get at Chinese restaurants? You would have thought, that after printing hundreds of thousands (or more) of wrappers and shipping them everywhere, they would have had someone check the English first...

Here's the text on the front, word for word, letter for letter, down to the format, punctuation, and captialization, etc:

Welcome to Chinese Restaurant
please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks
the traditional typical of Chinese glorious history
and cultural.

And another one, on a package of sweets that would have appeared normal, even appealing, if not for the text:

Wet One's Whistle Candy
How delicious can not forget, special taste, return the true flavour. Give
you the memorable feeling
When you try it the first, you will feel its specious. When you try it more
time, you will like it more and more.

Oh my. Remember, kids, never try to translate anything literally word by word. It just doesn't work that way.

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